For the Cancer Patient and Survivor, Who Wants to Survive…and Thrive, and for The Caregiver Who Wants to Stay Healthy While Caring for Their Loved One!


Posts by Dr. Marilyn Joyce

Take Care of Your Cancer with the Kick Cancer in the Can Health Toolkit

By on Dec 2, 2015 in Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Kick Cancer in the Can is a comprehensive and an exclusive online home study program consisting of a total of three one-to-one and in-depth cancer care mentoring programs. Dr. Marilyn Joyce is the creator of this unique and total health toolkit where she shares great strategies and systems for the people suffering from cancer. Being a five time cancer survivor during the 1980s, at present Dr. Marilyn is a specialist in crisis and stress management. She is called The Vitality Doctor by clients and patients. She is the master of the 5-minute healthy plan that every individual can practice anywhere and at any time. About the Program Kick Cancer in the Can Total Health Tool kits are the only and ultimate programs ever needed for creating the healthiest lifestyles. It is a program that saved Marilyn’s life 25-years ago and since then it has been saving thousands of lives. It is a program for the one who has this strong desire to thrive and not just survive cancer. This is a magnificent program consisting of over 12-hours of recorded easy, effective and practical strategies, systems, and ideas on comprehensive Action Guides, mp3 Transcripts of MP3s and various other bonuses. The program consists of all those things that a cancer caregiver or a cancer survivor or anyone else might need for preventing cancer. The Comprehensive Sections of the Program The Kick Cancer in the Can program has been divided into six sections. Section I has been named Wheelchair to the Podium: An Inspiring Cancer Story. It highlights Dr. Joyce’s journey back to vitality and health along with the facts and the myths in relation to cancer. Section II is called The 5 Universal Keys to Unlimited Energy and Vitality stating the importance of total health. Section III has been named Understanding Dis-Ease, Disease and How to Nip It in the Bud. This section defines health in accordance to disease and dis-ease. Reclaim your Inner Terrain is Section IV consisting of easy and quick health strategies for the mind and the body. Then there is Section V titled The Power of Your Thoughts, Your Words, Your Emotions- On Your Results and Section VI which says Get Rid of Ideas and Perceptions...

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Got Cancer? Meet the Vitality Doctor

By on Nov 25, 2015 in Blog, Healing Tools | 0 comments

For those of you who have been diagnosed with cancer and are searching for alternative treatment, or maybe you are just tired and overwhelmed with the stress of having cancer and are in need of a boost, let me introduce you to Dr. Marilyn Joyce.  She is better known by her patient’s as the “Vitality Doctor” because that is exactly what she helps to bring back into her patient’s lives…vitality. Dr. Joyce is a Registered Dietitian, and has her doctorate in Psychology and Nutrition.  She has had 30 years of experience in nutrition and is an author and speaker to the cause as well.  More importantly she is a five time cancer survivor, so she can relate to her patients on another level. She has been cancer free now for 25 years, and teaches her patients the tools and techniques that have helped her fight cancer in her journey. She understands exactly how hard it can be, and how it feels to be given weeks to live. Rising above all of that has given her the experience and knowledge to help others. Dr. Joyce has authored many books about wellness and nutrition and she has developed INSTANT E.N.E.R.G.Y. which is a system of strategies and techniques that can be done in less than five minutes by any person at anytime to promote healthy living. In her best selling book, 5 Minutes to Health, she comprehensively evaluated what people should eat, along with the proper ways to eat, how to prepare the food, store it, and when/how often one should eat as well.  She includes easy to follow recipes in there as well for convenience. Dr. Joyce offers comprehensive mentoring to help on a more personal level. She offers diagnostic consultation which consists of a 30-minute phone session where you get her undivided attention to discuss your specific needs and concerns.  She offers a 30-day “Emergency” level mentoring, 90-day “Critical” level mentoring, and a 180-day “Intensive” level mentoring.  Whatever your needs are, Dr. Joyce is here to help in any way...

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Put the Can in Cancer

By on Nov 12, 2015 in Blog | 0 comments

A cancer diagnosis is a devastating and terrifying moment in a person’s life.  Whether it’s your diagnosis or a close friend or family member, this is a desperate time.  Even if you are getting the best treatment available, the most important thing you can have to beat this diagnosis is a positive attitude!  The Kick Cancer in the Can starter kit can help you achieve that positive state of mind.  Sign up to receive the free starter kit and you will receive several valuable tools to kick your cancer. Encouragement Along Your Journey When you submit your email address, you will receive the “Back to Basics Nutrition & Lifestyle” mp3.  If you follow the tips precisely as outlined, you will get the most benefit from the download.  By listening to the mp3, you will be inspired to take action daily to face your cancer, take control of your health, and keep your attitude optimistic and positive.  You can begin using the healthy and delicious meals immediately.  They are quick to make and very tasty.  Eating right and keeping your strength up with a variety of healthful foods is a vital part of this program. You will also receive the Pyramid of E.N.E.R.G.Y ™ PDF that you can hang up any and every where you need to feel energized and uplifted.  Hang it on your bathroom mirror, on your fridge, in your car, or even at work.  You will feel the positivity radiate from yourself as you implement the tips and begin to use the recipes, but especially as you take the Pyramid of E.N.E.R.G.Y ™ to heart. The Kick Cancer in the Can starter kit is a valuable addition to your conventional treatment, and will help your mind and body connection to grow strong and unbreakable.  Submit your name and email today to receive the free Kick Cancer in the Can starter kit and get started with the priceless tips, recipes, and positivity today!...

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Here’s the iHeart Radio Interview with Dr Marilyn Joyce

By on Sep 13, 2015 in 5-Minute Strategies, Blog, Experts Speak | 0 comments

iHeart Radio Interview: January Jones of Sharing Success Stories Interviews Dr Marilyn Joyce on… INSTANT E.N.E.R.G.Y.™: The 5 Keys to Unlimited Energy and Vitality! About a week ago, before my iHeart radio interview, I was contemplating the fact that we are already into the month of September – and the Holiday season will be upon us before we know it! And then I had an epiphany! And it started with a question that just seemed to pop into my brain… Is there a specific month in your life that stands out? Or year? Or both? Well, September is the month that really stands out for me (beyond the infamous 9/11 event)…it was the month I was first diagnosed with cancer. And the year that stands out is 1985! Seems so long ago on one hand. And like yesterday on another! And I remember feeling completely overwhelmed, shocked to my core, scared beyond words, in complete disbelief, disappointed, frustrated, and even angry…How could this be happening to me? Why me? (I was a great victim back then!) I was only 35 years old! Flip forward 4 years to September of 1989…yes, September again…I found myself chronically fatigued, stressed out, burned out, and at the end of the road! Given less than 2 weeks to live, and reduced to sucking on ice chips, unable to eat or drink anything, and living in a wheelchair, things looked pretty darned grim. Fact was I couldn’t do anything that took longer than 5 minutes. Simply no energy for anything! So, out of necessity, we developed really easy 5-minute strategies, and systems, for both myself and my caregivers! And they included everything from shifting mindset instantly, to 5-minute exercises, to simple quick and healthy smoothies, to increasing energy through a simple 5-minute breathing process…you name it, we created it! Years later, many of these strategies were introduced to the world in a book called 5 Minutes to Health. But it really only addressed nutrition…and a little bit about the other aspects of healthy living. So, it became a burning desire, deep within my soul, to share the whole 9 yards with everyone and anyone who entered my world. And that led to the emergence of...

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Need Some Energy Instantly? It just got really easy!

By on Sep 11, 2015 in Announcements, Blog | 0 comments

 Need Some Energy Instantly? Well, it just got really easy to get that energy instantly! Hello to you on this unusually hot September day! After a couple of days of really cool weather and comfortable afternoon walks in nature last week, it’s back to late night sweltering walks under the clouds of the dark night skies… And here it is almost the middle of September! Whew! Where has the summer gone? Right?   I’d say it’s time for a major overhaul in our personal health-related systems, based on all the feedback I’m getting on my free weekly Q & A webinars. As we march forward, or maybe lifelessly crawl forward, into the Fall season, and soon to be Holiday season, we need to have our energy at peak levels for all of the activities and commitments we have to deal with! Right?   So let me ask you: Is this you…or maybe even someone you love? Anxious or Depressed Overwhelmed Chronically Tired or Completely Wiped Out Stressed Out Burned Out A Cancer Patient – or Survivor A Caregiver – either Personal or Medical Professional A Conscious Holistic Healer And I mean, heck, who isn’t experiencing at least the first 5 on this list from time to time, with the crazy busy schedules we all keep, and the quickening of time? But when it’s constant…well, that’s a whole other story!   So, would you love to know how to create energy and vitality in your life instantly, and on command? And do you think a simple, quick and easy, 5-Key formula for success in every aspect of your health, and your life, might be of massive value right about now? If you’re like most of my patients and clients, your answer to these questions is a resounding YES!   Well GREAT NEWS! Until September 14th, at midnight PST, you can take charge of your life and your health for just pennies on the dollar! Instantly download my easy-to-read, easy-to-use, $19.97 eBook, INSTANT E.N.E.R.G.Y.™…   Plus you get a bunch of unique and valuable bonuses filled with awesomeness, in the form of amazing inspiration and easy to use practical tools – for a total value of $97. For only…drum roll please…$9.97!...

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