For the Cancer Patient and Survivor, Who Wants to Survive…and Thrive, and for The Caregiver Who Wants to Stay Healthy While Caring for Their Loved One!


Holiday Inspiration

5 Healthy Holiday Tips for Cancer Patients & Caregivers

By on Jun 14, 2015 in 5-Minute Strategies, Blog, Holiday Inspiration |

5 Quick Tips for Cancer Care Over the Holidays and Beyond… ~~~~~~~~~~ No doubt about it, dealing with cancer is never easy, but especially over the holidays. We all need some quick and easy tips and strategies to help us keep it together – and some inspiration to guide us along the way. Right? ~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I just wanted to share with you 5 top tips that my patients and clients and I have used over the years that really work! And I’ll keep this brief since I realize that everyone is hustling to get things done before the onslaught of family and friends arrive over the next day or so. ~~~~~~~~~~ We’ve all heard the saying about living today as if it’s the last day we have.Well, for many of us who’ve been on the cancer journey, that actually became a reality! At least temporarily until we beat the sucker! So my advice is to stop living by everyone else’s rules and start creating your own. Choose where you want to be, when you want to be there, who you want to be with, and for how long. And if you need to skip a meal or a social gathering because you’re tired and need a nap just do it! If you’re feeling pain, sadness, fear, or even joy, just go ahead and FEEL it! This is your life. Live it your way…Without apology Add some fun and creativity to your life.Take a favorite traditional, high fat, high sugar, holiday recipe, and re-invent it into a healthier leaner version. I have posted my fabulously delicious, trimmed down eggnog recipe on Facebook, so drop on by and print it off – and use it. And then take one recipe you love and make it better – for your health! And of course tasty at the same time! Practice gratitude – for everything! My rule whenever life becomes too hectic and stressful over the holidays is to simply stop everything. And then gaze out the window at the miracles of nature all around us, especially the cloud formations (see the photo to the right), and express gratitude to God and the Universe for providing this beauty for us to behold....

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