For the Cancer Patient and Survivor, Who Wants to Survive…and Thrive, and for The Caregiver Who Wants to Stay Healthy While Caring for Their Loved One!


Types of Exercises that Cancer Patients Can Indulge In

By on Jul 14, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

Despite cancer being your worst nightmare and causing you fatigue, anxiety, fear and very expensive medication, you should try to take charge of your health to beat that illness. Exercising is an important thing to everyone and here are some of the types of exercises cancer patients in Los Angeles, CA can do.



This includes exercises like walking, cycling and running that get the heart rate up. These exercises are best for maintaining body weight by burning calories since being overweight can be risky for cancer patients. Aerobic exercises can help you feel better while going through cancer treatment and they improve one’s recovery after an operation.


Balance exercises

Drugs can impair balance for cancer patients. For those patients undergoing chemotherapy, with decreased bone mass, it only takes one fall to break a bone. Simple exercises such as walking along a narrow path can help improve body balance make the bones stronger.



Some cancers require surgery, hence after the surgery, you may feel weak in some parts of the body. Stretching exercises can help cancer patients to regain mobility in the areas where they had the surgery. It also helps in recovery of the tissue. However, you need to make sure you do moderate exercises under the guidance of a trained instructor.


Strength training

With strength training, it improves muscle tone and it helps to fight loss of muscle that can occur with aging and cancer illnesses. The exercises can be done with dumbbells and weight machines. Chemotherapy can cause women to lose bone density in a year as the average women will lose in a decade. Weight training won’t increase bone density but will help maintain it.


Fighting cancer is one of the most stressful and painful experiences you can go through however Kick Cancer In The Can offers an array of health solutions for cancer patients in Los Angeles, CA.

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