It’s Friday afternoon…early September 2015! And it’s time to expel from my life the things that aren’t working anymore – if they ever were! How about you? As I reflect on the past year of (hell), with some moments of (joy), and definitely some amazing (community) experiences mixed in, I had an awakening! I wonder if you can relate to what I’m about to share. This is not about that infernal “pity pot”, but about my realizations on a Friday afternoon…It’s just as the title of this blogpost explains: Been to hell, lived to tell, now here to expel… Years ago I read a little book by the late Stuart Wilde, called “Life was Never Meant to Be a Struggle…Hmmm, so what does all of this mean then? Well, as I sit here on this beautiful, cool, breezy California September afternoon, I contemplate, without fear, simply introspection, how: Both of my business bank accounts are way over-drafted to the tune of multiple thousands of dollars, one due to a systems error, and the other due to fraud…with no resolution in sight for either account after close to 3 weeks. After working day and night for months now, following the sleep patterns of the early Bill Gate’s days (meaning almost none), and seemingly no further ahead with all of my projects and recommended business directions, continuously getting slapped in the face with NO’s from all directions. None of the projects I’ve invested many thousands of dollars, and many sleepless nights, along with many months of going back and forth with the various persons involved…are working and income generating yet. NONE! After praying daily, and meditating daily using a high end mindset reprogramming process, I’m sinking lower into the abyss of despair as I watch my days, weeks and months fly by with nothing to show for all of my efforts. I feel everyday as if I’m canoeing aimlessly upstream without a paddle, implementing this suggested idea, and then that suggested idea, and reaching out to this suggested person or company, and then that suggested person or company, to get no traction or inroad at all. I’m facing another potential move within one year, with the inherent total disruption of...
Read MoreHave You…or Someone You Love…Been Diagnosed with Cancer…Now What? If you’ve found yourself walking, maybe even crawling, along this crazy path called the cancer journey, whether as the patient or the loving caregiver, you can probably relate to the following: • Shock and denial • Disappointment and anger • Victimized and defeated • Constant fatigue • Fear and despair • Anxiety and stress • Overwhelm and feeling lost • Helpless and hopeless Need I say more? Well here’s some great news! It’s easier than you think to take charge of your health and your body starting today! And get yourself out of any negative slump or rut you’re probably finding yourself in due to this diagnosis. All with quick and easy 5-minute strategies, you can do anywhere, anytime! And here’s the best part! You’ll feel re-balanced, re-energized, re-focused, and emotionally uplifted…instantly…after implementing just one or two of these amazingly simple and healthy 5-minute strategies. Do you desperately need and want some major inspiration to get through this challenging ordeal? Well, who better to get your inspiration from than a 5-time cancer survivor who’s a 26+ year Thriver – and that’s Me! At your service! You’ll definitely get a jumpstart on inspiration when you watch this video… You’ve gotta remember though, that Cancer loves – and thrives – on INACTION! So please don’t wait to start taking the right ACTION(S) to get your health back ASAP, and maybe even better than it was before this crazy diagnosis! So make a commitment that you are going to stop the insanity of Inaction today! Your first major step: Watch this video right away…and start using the great strategies and tools provided. Heck they only take 5 minutes…or less! Much Love, Dr Marilyn Joyce, The Vitality Doctor™ PS: Change your health and your life immediately with this simple and easy to use Kick Cancer In The Can® Total Health Toolkit. Click Here...
Read MoreBy Dr Marilyn Joyce, The Vitality Doctor™ Well, let’s start with looking at the two things people on the cancer journey – whether the patient or the caregiver – generally most lack. Time and energy! Right??? So, Enter Now… 5 Minutes – 5 Times A Day – Instant Energy Guaranteed! Here’s the next step in taking charge of your health and your life… If you’re anything like I was 30 years ago, when I was first diagnosed with cancer, you probably want to find the quickest and easiest path back to health. And…with the least devastating treatments and outcomes possible! Right? So if, in fact, you are walking, or maybe crawling, along this cancer path, as either the patient or the caregiver, tell me if you can relate to any, or all, of the following: • Shock and denial • Disappointment and anger • Victimized and defeated • Constant fatigue • Fear and despair • Anxiety and stress • Overwhelm and feeling lost • Helpless and hopeless Let’s just stop there…because I have great news for you! Next Tuesday, August 11th, I’m going to delve into how to take charge of your health and your body right now…5 minutes at a time! And you’ll walk away from this FREE webinar with simple, quick and easy 5-minute healthy tips and strategies to get yourself out of the negative slump or rut you might be finding yourself in due to this diagnosis. Plus, you’ll instantly feel re-balanced, re-energized, re-focused, and emotionally uplifted after participating in a couple of amazingly simple processes. And best of all, you’ll get the inspiration you so desperately need and want – from a 5-time cancer survivor who’s a 26+ year Thriver – that’s Me! So please join Dave Sheahan and Dr Marilyn Joyce, The Vitality Doctor™ to stop the insanity of INACTION (Cancer loves – and thrives – on INACTION!), and take the right ACTION(S) to get your health back, even better than it was before! UPDATE: Missed the webinar? No problem…Hop on over to the video of the replay right away! Just click here now! And here’s the next step in taking charge of your health and your...
Read MoreSo What The Heck Can I Eat On Treatment Days That’s Easy to Pack, Carry and Eat? And Tastes Great Too! ~~~~~~~~~~ I get asked this question all the time! So, over the coming days and weeks, I’m going to create a series of recommendations that are short, quick and easy to implement, loaded with all of the essential nutrients needed for both healing and prevention (for the caregivers!), and taste great as well. ~~~~~~~~~~ So here’s the first set of guidelines for you to get started with…in time for your next treatment. This way you can avoid those emergency restaurant stops, when you’re so darned hungry, you just grab whatever looks tasty and quick! ~~~~~~~~~~ Enjoy… ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Much Love Dr Marilyn Joyce, The Vitality Doctor™ ~~~~~~~~~~ PS: Don’t forget to leave your comments below, share your own suggestions, and let us know what questions you have that need answers ASAP. ~~~~~~~~~~ PPS: Remember to drop by our dedicated Facebook page, LIKE us, and join in the conversations we have going on, or initiate your own conversation. This page is for all of us to help each other overcome or prevent cancer – and get through the journey with grace, ease and joy! ~~~~~~~~~~ PPPS: Oops, almost forgot to mention our special new Twitter page…Love you to join us there as well! Lots of great tips and research – and success stories –...
Read MoreSo, What’s THE #1 Cancer Fighting Food(s)? ~~~~~~~~~~ Got cancer yourself? Or maybe someone you dearly love has been dealt this challenging blow… ~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, get your pens and paper ready? This short, to the point, yet comprehensive, video lays it all out! I’ve been saying all of this for years…now you can hear it from someone else as well. The challenge for you is to take action immediately on what you see and hear on this page! ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ In case you need a bit more preliminary information, here’s the link to the landmark study that literally pitted 34 common vegetables against 8 different lines of human cancer cells. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure you head down to the comments section below – and leave your thoughts, concerns, suggestions, or questions. ~~~~~~~~~~ Much Love Dr Marilyn Joyce, The Vitality Doctor™ ~~~~~~~~~~ PS: And remember to check out our active dedicated Kick Cancer In The Can™ facebook page, LIKE us, and join in the conversations… While you’re at it, Follow us on our dedicated Kick Cancer In The Can™ Twitter page and share your thoughts there as well! Let’s be the change we all want to see in the elimination of cancer once and for...
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