Whether you or a loved one has been diagnosed with some form of cancer, it is important to practice healthy ways of dealing with the diagnosis. From anger to despair, there are strong feelings that come out when a cancer diagnosis is present and these feelings must be dealt with. When you have a positive attitude, it can lead to a healthier you. Being positive can help you assist a family member or friend who has been diagnosed with cancer. As a cancer patient, being positive will help you deal with treatments and hopefully see a good health report as you undergo treatment. When you become lost in grief and depression, it can affect your health, which is not good when facing cancer. It is essential to learn how to deal with feelings from the diagnosis so a positive outlook exists, helping with overall health. Working with Cancer Professionals A professional therapist or counselor who specializes in cancer can be of benefit to you and family members. A professional will be able to provide strategies and techniques to get you or your family member on the right path to health. Treatment programs such as critical care or cancer concierge can assist with helping change the outlook of the diagnosis. It can be very beneficial to speak with someone who has the knowledge and experience to help you better understand the diagnosis. Kick Cancer In the Can is a program created by Dr. Marilyn Joyce to help those who have been diagnosed with cancer. As a five-time cancer survivor, Dr. Joyce has the experience as a survivor to help those who want to remain positive, learning new strategies for treatment. Whenever someone has been diagnosed with cancer, it can be devastating. Working with a professional who specializes in emotional treatment can be of benefit not only mentally but also...
Read MoreCancer has always been a horrible nightmare for those unfortunate enough to have to deal with it. You may have received a cancer diagnosis or it probably affected your loved one. The situation usually gets worse when you reach what seems to be the last hope, when you require cancer treatments that are expensive, complicated, time consuming, challenging to follow through with and very hard to implement. It is at this point that cancer patients get fatigued, anxious and start to be afraid. Such desperate times call for desperate measures, and this is the time to take complete charge of your health and fight this cancer. You need a good strategy to rid you from the negative slump, something quick but simple that will assist you in getting re-energized, rebalanced, and refocused. Well, the comprehensive Kick Cancer In the Can program is what will help you. The program consists of health toolkits that include an online home study and three one on one personalized cancer care mentoring programs. The Kick Cancer In the Can program has strategies that can be done anywhere, anytime and by anyone. These health toolkits are definitely the required programs that you will need to restore yourself back to your healthiest possible state quickly, easily and with little effort. Doctor Marilyn Joyce, also known to many as the ‘vitality doctor’, is a five time cancer survivor and has been well for 25 years now. She is also the founder of Vibrant Health Academy Unlimited and the CEO of the comprehensive Kick Cancer in the Can program. This is the program that saved her life and has saved the lives of many since its beginning. So why not give it a try? Be a part of the Kick Cancer In the Can program and experience a much healthier life. ...
Read MorePrevention is the best defense against cancer, but many people don’t know that certain foods, herbs and supplements can reduce and help reverse cancer. Although there can be little doubt about natural herbs, research shows that some of them have powerful anti-cancer properties and have no damaging side effects. Actually, many of the chemotherapies used in treating cancer were developed from natural substances. The web-series Kick Cancer in the Can provides beneficial information on the natural herbs that help prevent cancer. Turmeric Turmeric contains a powerful cancer-fighting substance known as polyphony Curcumin. For many decades, this substance has been the subject of cancer research and clinically shown to stop the growth of certain cancer cells including breast cancer, tumor cells, bone cancer, leukemia, ovarian, and melanoma. It blocks every stage of cancer development and also kills many cancer cells by triggering apoptosis without affecting the normal body cells. Generally, turmeric also builds the body’s immune system, which further benefits those already diagnosed with cancer. Garlic As far as cancer is concerned, ginger is one of nature’s excellent anti-cancer spices. It lowers the risk of developing all types of cancers including colon, intestinal, stomach, and prostate cancer. Garlic comprises of strong antibacterial properties and blocks the formation and half-activation of cancer-causing substances. The sulfur compounds present in Garlic neutralize carcinogens and also contribute toward tumor shrinkage. If consumed regularly, garlic stops cancer growth, slows cell reproduction, kills cancer cells, and also enhances DNA repair. The World Health Organization advocates that adults should have one clove of fresh garlic every day. Pepper Different types of pepper contain different substances that play a big role in cancer prevention. For instance, Cayenne pepper is comprised of Capsaicin, an active compound that kills cancer cells. It is also the key ingredient in The Master Cleanse for its detox ability. On the other hand, Black pepper contains piperine, a chemical with powerful antioxidant properties. When consumed together with turmeric, black pepper inhibits the growth of cancer cells....
Read MoreNow and then, people are diagnosed with cancer and often wonder how their lifestyle would be. In case you have a history of cancer in your family or are currently battling with the condition, you do not have to change your lifestyle. However, your diet can make a huge difference in your battle with cancer. Amid all the existing controversies, there are organic foods proven to boost one’s ability to fight off cancer, protect your health, and reduce the risk of cancer. Broccoli Broccoli contains a sizable amount of sulforaphane, one of the best cancer fighting properties. Sulforaphane boosts the body’s protective enzymes and plays a significant role in getting rid of cancer-causing chemicals. It also targets cancer stem cells, mainly those that aid in tumor growth. Broccoli helps fight breast cancer, liver cancer, skin cancers, as well as bladder cancers. Berries It is worthwhile to eat at least a cup of berries a day to increase the amount of vitamin C in your body. Berries contain high amounts of phytonutrients referred to as anthocyanins. Anthocyanins reduce the rate at which premalignant cells produce and stop the formation of new blood cells. Berries are essential for those with esophageal, colon and even skin cancer. Tomatoes Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps in getting rid of free radicals that damage DNA. Lycopene, from cooked vegetables, plays a big role in reducing endometrial cancer cell reproduction. Endometrial cancer leads to more than 7,500 fatalities a year. Additionally, the vegetables are recommended for people with lung, prostate and stomach cancers. Walnuts People with breast cancers can add nuts to salads, cereals, and other dishes. They contain phytosterols known to block estrogen receptors and slow down the cell’s growth. Individuals with prostate cancer can also eat walnuts. Ensure that you have at least an ounce of walnuts a day to reap the benefits. Garlic Allicin, an active ingredient present in garlic, stops the blood supply formation for tumors. Two to three raw cloves of garlic per day also kill microbes and yeasts. It also contains other active ingredients including selenium, tryptophan, and sulfur that act as anti-inflammatory. Garlic is essential for people with breasts, colon and stomach cancers. ...
Read MoreBorn from the experience of having survived cancer, Dr. Marilyn Joyce found a way to turn into a caregiver. She shares her story openly, through her book and web page, letting people know that at 35 years old, at the peak of her career; she was diagnosed with melanoma and uterine cancer stage four. She talks about going through a denial stage, feeling angry, and victimizing herself. She started looking for a ‘magical’ cure until, four years later, with only weeks left to live, a man with a Vita Mix machine introduced her to cantaloupe ice, which led her into a path of recovery. Just one year later she recovered. Dr. Marilyn Joyce emphasizes that there is no magical answer for everyone but you can get a fighting chance with a high quality diet, an overall lifestyle regime and an individualized program designed for you. Some of the services offered in her website are a 30-day emergency care, 90-day critical care, 180-day intensive care and diagnosis consultation, where you can have a program tailored especially for you. Each one of these services is aimed at helping patients and caregivers regain their health and vitality. Aside from these three in-depth one-on-one personalized care options, she offers the online home study program. She is referred to by her clients as the Vitality Doctor™ and the programs she offers can be carried out in as little as five minutes that anyone can do. If this is not enough to convince you, you can go onto their website and you will find in their homepage that you can register to get a free Cancer In the Can ® Starter Kit. Being published by premier editors, you might want to take a look at their web page and read their blog or even the testimonials available....
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