For the Cancer Patient and Survivor, Who Wants to Survive…and Thrive, and for The Caregiver Who Wants to Stay Healthy While Caring for Their Loved One!


Stress Management for Cancer Patients and Survivors

By on Feb 10, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

A cancer diagnosis can cause a lot of emotional distress that can lead to anxiety or depression. The life of a cancer patient may seem to change significantly in a short period of time. The changes that are happening in the body may affect his or her self esteem. Work life may be disrupted, and may cause frustrations amongst friends and family which may distress the cancer patient further.

Support from Family and Friends

Social support is important in keeping stress and depression at bay. When there are people to talk to and interact emotional distress is minimized. Friends and family can also help the patient to take practical steps to overcome new challenges that will help improve quality of life.

Destructive Behavior

It is important to deal with depression and stress at its onset. Sometimes depression may seem like a normal part of the problem that the cancer survivor has to go through. However, it can lead to destructive habits that can worsen the situation. Alcohol and substance abuse may become a problem, as the patient seeks to either deal with the distress, or self medicate to cope with painful symptoms of the disease.

Stress Management

There aren’t many studies that have exhaustively explored the subject of the importance of stress management for cancer survivors. However, a few studies show that it can help to reduce the rate of growth of tumors. The results of the study indicate that stress hormones such as norepinephrine can promote tumor angiogenesis and metastasis.

Whether you have just been diagnosed with cancer, are undergoing treatment, or you are a survivor, it is wise to consider an intensive mentorship program. Through the intensive mentorship program, those struggling to overcome cancer can learn strategies that will help them cope with the symptoms, as well as the emotional distress triggered by the disease.

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