For the Cancer Patient and Survivor, Who Wants to Survive…and Thrive, and for The Caregiver Who Wants to Stay Healthy While Caring for Their Loved One!


Posts by Dr. Marilyn Joyce

The ‘How- To’ Fighting Cancer- Vitality Approach And Mentorship Is The Secret To Kicking It In The Can

By on Mar 15, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Cancer is not only a chronic disease, but also a draining battle that affects the patient in all aspects of their lives. The treatment involves stressful choices and the diagnosis is also an involving process of tests and observations. A vitality expert, Dr. Marilyn is a cancer survivor and she is dedicated to make patients realize the benefits of vitality in fighting cancer. How vitality in cancer patients is a step towards victory When they said laughter is the best medicine, they were hinting on the importance of refusing to curl up in meekness at tough life events. Whether the patient, caregiver or family member, adopting the art of vitality living is a huge milestone to surviving this monster. Support group roles to enhance cancer patient’s fight Man is a social being, therefore, providing social groups support is crucial to living fully despite cancer. Mentorship such as that given by a cancer survivor and vitality expert, Dr. Marilyn Joyce is sure to encourage the patient and provide a ray of hope. Like she asks, ‘isn’t it a good idea to walk with a specialist who has thrived through the path you are on?’ Relentless and intentional drive to keep on enjoying life is a weapon To refuse defeat is to look adversity in the eye and continue as if the crown of victory has been placed on your head. Vitality living is not indulgence in choices that will compromise your condition but practicing habits that enhance the quality of life in the circumstances. The materials provided by Dr. Marilyn and her team at Kick Cancer In the Can are directed to be your personal confidant and helper at all times. In addition, focusing on the other parties crucial to the patient’s health like the caregivers and family provides holistic solutions. Breath in a new life as a cancer patient by discovering and bring out the vitality in...

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Regain Your Life and Vitality Despite Cancer

By on Mar 15, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Only a 5-time cancer survivor and a medical doctor like Dr. Marilyn Joyce can understand the pain and pitfalls of having cancer. Cancer is probably the most dreaded disease as it seems to signify an end to everything. But this is not so, according to Dr. Joyce, a 25-year “Thriver”, for she is, after all a vitality expert. Her personal experience with cancer at a young age, plus her medical knowledge in battling such, makes her a reliable expert who can coach all who suffer from cancer. The Reality of It In truth? It is not only the patient that suffers, but the caregivers, too. Dr. Joyce will be mentoring both cancer patients and their caregivers, to lessen and manage the stress involved among all concerned. Having been a cancer thriver and survivor, Dr. Marilyn Joyce will give you the nuts and bolts of cancer management for both patient and caregiver. She will create an individualized program perfectly suitable to your condition, your needs, and your budget. The idea is to take back your life and get back on the path of healing, with a renewed sense of health and faith in yourself. As Dr. Joyce says herself, there is no “magic bullet”, but she’s been there and she is well-equipped to mentor you towards your healing and recovery. What to Expect From Her 4 Programs Here’s what you can expect from a cancer revitalization program from Dr. Joyce: Emergency Care. A Heart-Centered 30-Day VIP “EMERGENCY” Level of Cancer Care Mentoring. Critical Care. A Heart-Centered 90-Day VIP “CRITICAL” Level of Cancer Care Mentoring. Intensive Care. A Heart-Centered 180-Day VIP “INTENSIVE” Level of Cancer Care Mentoring. Diagnostic Consultation. A Personal Diagnostic Consultation with Dr. Marilyn Joyce. If you feel you are ready to take the reins and be mentored by Dr. Marilyn Joyce, contact her today at her Kick Cancer in the Can...

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Cancer Care Mentoring Can Be Very Helpful, Says Dr. Marilyn Joyce

By on Feb 13, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Mentorship is popularly defined as a relationship between two individuals who share a desire for development. A mentor is someone who is wiser, who has walked down the road of cancer care whether it is emergency, critical or intensive. Choosing a mentor is itself a big task. When making the decision for cancer care mentoring in Los Angeles, CA, one of the biggest factors to consider is trust. There must be mutual trust between the cancer care mentee and the cancer care mentor. Clarity One of the benefits of cancer care mentoring is clarity. Through a methodical engagement with the mentor, the mentee will understand the purpose of the cancer treatment and care exercise. The mentee will understand the details, the possible end result and will learn to anticipate and accept the final outcome of the cancer treatment and care process. Wider network By engaging the mentor and other mentees, the mentee becomes a member of a whole new circle of well meaning friends. Cancer care mentoring is built on the foundation of knowledge exchange and openness. Knowing more people who are battling a similar medical condition like cancer, listening to how they are working towards victory, is not only relieving but it also eliminates the feeling of alienation that some cancer patients are known to impose on themselves. Cancer care mentoring pulls you from that cowering position behind a wall and into the world. It is the nicest thing. Access to newer resources Most journeys have stopovers, especially if the journeys are undertaken over a long distance. Cancer care mentors have travelled over long distances and their experience has exposed them, in one way or another, to a whole world of cancer care tips. These resources are at an arm’s length of the mentee. There are a lot more benefits of cancer care mentoring. To all cancer patients undergoing treatment and care at Kick Cancer in the Can, Dr. Marilyn Joyce strongly advocates for Cancer care...

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Stress Management for Cancer Patients and Survivors

By on Feb 10, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

A cancer diagnosis can cause a lot of emotional distress that can lead to anxiety or depression. The life of a cancer patient may seem to change significantly in a short period of time. The changes that are happening in the body may affect his or her self esteem. Work life may be disrupted, and may cause frustrations amongst friends and family which may distress the cancer patient further. Support from Family and Friends Social support is important in keeping stress and depression at bay. When there are people to talk to and interact emotional distress is minimized. Friends and family can also help the patient to take practical steps to overcome new challenges that will help improve quality of life. Destructive Behavior It is important to deal with depression and stress at its onset. Sometimes depression may seem like a normal part of the problem that the cancer survivor has to go through. However, it can lead to destructive habits that can worsen the situation. Alcohol and substance abuse may become a problem, as the patient seeks to either deal with the distress, or self medicate to cope with painful symptoms of the disease. Stress Management There aren’t many studies that have exhaustively explored the subject of the importance of stress management for cancer survivors. However, a few studies show that it can help to reduce the rate of growth of tumors. The results of the study indicate that stress hormones such as norepinephrine can promote tumor angiogenesis and metastasis. Whether you have just been diagnosed with cancer, are undergoing treatment, or you are a survivor, it is wise to consider an intensive mentorship program. Through the intensive mentorship program, those struggling to overcome cancer can learn strategies that will help them cope with the symptoms, as well as the emotional distress triggered by the...

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Fighting the psychological aspects of cancer is akin to winning the battle

By on Jan 13, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Cancer is a very dangerous disease. It is capable of harming the individual physically as well as mentally. It can cause untold agony on the family members and the loved ones of the afflicted person. The secret of dealing with cancer is to attack the psychological aspect of the disease. You cannot find a better person than Dr. Marilyn Joyce to help you in the matter. She has the best credentials to speak on this subject. This is because she is a cancer survivor herself. She is gracious enough to share her experiences in combating the dreaded disease with other afflicted people. To achieve this dream, she has created a unique online home study program, Kick Cancer in the Can. Following this program has helped her to overcome cancer not once, but five times over two and a half decades ago. She believes that if this program could work for her, it could work for anybody. This program aims at conditioning the patient into accepting the fact that he or she has the dreaded disease. No amount of wishing away could erase this fact. This acceptance of the problem is the first step towards finding a possible solution to the issue. Cancer can bring with it a lot of stress and anxiety. It requires a concerted effort from the body and the mind to fight the disease. This program prepares you for the long haul ahead. Following the principles and tips provided in this program, one could develop the mental strength to fight the disease. That is more than winning half the battle. The regular medicines could take care of the remaining aspect. She has designed this program in a unique way. It aims at bringing you out of the negative slump and helps to re-balance your life. Going through the entire program can re-energize you and help you focus on the main issues. This program can lead you on the recovery path and bring the joy back in your...

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