For the Cancer Patient and Survivor, Who Wants to Survive…and Thrive, and for The Caregiver Who Wants to Stay Healthy While Caring for Their Loved One!


Your Free Kick Cancer in The Can Starter Kit

Congratulations! Your Starter Kit Is Here!


You made a wise decision to stop by Kick Cancer In The Can® and pick up your starter kit so that you can get started today to take control of your health and quite literally Kick Cancer In The Can®, whether you are the patient or the caregiver!

Now don’t let the simplicity of this proven system deceive you. The SECRET to making your “Kick Cancer In The Can® Starter Toolkit” work for you is to take consistent daily action to apply what you learn. Be patient and…

  1. Follow the tips on the mp3 explicitly.
  2. Get inspired by what you hear…
  3. Start using the delicious, healthy, immune boosting, quick and easy smoothie recipe today!
  4. Start implementing one of the ten 5-minute tips immediately, practice it for 4 to 7 days, then add another tip, and repeat the process. Keep adding tips until you have implemented all of them. Then choose your favorites and just keep doing them!
  5. Post your beautiful, colorful, captivating, energizing and personally empowering (even if you’re just a kid) Pyramid of E.N.E.R.G.Y ™ everywhere you can (kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, home gym, car, day planner, you name it…And I’m way beyond confident that you’ll be delighted with what you accomplish.”

~ Dr Marilyn Joyce, The Vitality Doctor™


Required Software
Most computers already have this program installed, but if yours doesn’t, you will need to download and install the following:
Adobe PDF Reader…

So, here’s what you’re getting today in your Starter Toolkit…

“Kick Cancer In The Can® Starter Toolkit”

Total Value: $250.00

Kick Cancer In The Can® with Back to Basics Nutrition & Lifestyle (mp3)

Back to Basics Nutrition & Lifestyle (mp3)

(right click on the link above and ‘save target as’ or just click on the arrow below to listen on this page)

10 Quick & Easy Healthy Tips to Kick Cancer In The Can® Today! (pdf)

10 Healthy Tips To Kick Cancer In The Can®

(right click on link above and ‘save target as’)

KCITC Immune Balancing & Boosting Smoothie Recipe (png)

(right click on image above and ‘save target as’)

Pyramid Of E.N.E.R.G.Y.™ (pdf)

Dr Joyce’s Pyramid of ENERGY

(right click on link above and ‘save target as’)

For much more personalized assistance on how to implement this entire 5-Step system…                 Click Here Now


Just a reminder that if you or a loved one is trekking the rocky road of cancer and invasive cancer treatments, you will benefit immensely from the compassionate and experienced care of someone, namely me, Dr Marilyn Joyce, who’s been there, and overcome Stage 4 cancer, as well as assisting thousands of others, over the past 30 years, in conquering this demon and taking charge of their own health once and for all!

Visit (click here: Kick Cancer In The Can® – and then click on the Cancer Concierge link to determine which path you will embark upon with me by your side every step of the way.

By the way, I’m always on the lookout for new information, research, tips, strategies and recipes to share with you. So make sure and watch your inbox for these priceless gems. Also, I’ll be letting you know about my many webinars, teleseminars, radio and TV appearances so that you can continue to be informed and inspired.

One last thing…I’d be overjoyed and beyond words grateful if you would also go to:
Our Kick Cancer In The Can® Facebook page and do us the incredible honor of LIKING the page, visiting often, and commenting on the various posts – as well as posting your own great tips, ideas, recipes and suggestions.

After all, we’re all in this together.

Much Love
Dr Marilyn Joyce, The Vitality Doctor™