For the Cancer Patient and Survivor, Who Wants to Survive…and Thrive, and for The Caregiver Who Wants to Stay Healthy While Caring for Their Loved One!



What Foods Can I Take With Me On Treatment Days?

By on Jun 14, 2015 in 5-Minute Strategies, Blog, Education, Healing Tools |

So What The Heck Can I Eat On Treatment Days That’s Easy to Pack, Carry and Eat? And Tastes Great Too! ~~~~~~~~~~ I get asked this question all the time! So, over the coming days and weeks, I’m going to create a series of recommendations that are short, quick and easy to implement, loaded with all of the essential nutrients needed for both healing and prevention (for the caregivers!), and taste great as well. ~~~~~~~~~~ So here’s the first set of guidelines for you to get started with…in time for your next treatment. This way you can avoid those emergency restaurant stops, when you’re so darned hungry, you just grab whatever looks tasty and quick! ~~~~~~~~~~ Enjoy… ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Much Love Dr Marilyn Joyce, The Vitality Doctor™ ~~~~~~~~~~ PS: Don’t forget to leave your comments below, share your own suggestions, and let us know what questions you have that need answers ASAP. ~~~~~~~~~~ PPS: Remember to drop by our dedicated Facebook page, LIKE us, and join in the conversations we have going on, or initiate your own conversation. This page is for all of us to help each other overcome or prevent cancer – and get through the journey with grace, ease and joy! ~~~~~~~~~~ PPPS: Oops, almost forgot to mention our special new Twitter page…Love you to join us there as well! Lots of great tips and research – and success stories –...

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Kick Cancer In The Can® With THE #1 Cancer Fighting Foods!

By on Jun 14, 2015 in 5-Minute Strategies, Education, Experts Speak |

 So, What’s THE #1 Cancer Fighting Food(s)? ~~~~~~~~~~ Got cancer yourself? Or maybe someone you dearly love has been dealt this challenging blow… ~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, get your pens and paper ready? This short, to the point, yet comprehensive, video lays it all out! I’ve been saying all of this for years…now you can hear it from someone else as well. The challenge for you is to take action immediately on what you see and hear on this page! ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ In case you need a bit more preliminary information, here’s the link to the landmark study that literally pitted 34 common vegetables against 8 different lines of human cancer cells. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure you head down to the comments section below – and leave your thoughts, concerns, suggestions, or questions. ~~~~~~~~~~ Much Love Dr Marilyn Joyce, The Vitality Doctor™ ~~~~~~~~~~ PS: And remember to check out our active dedicated Kick Cancer In The Can™ facebook page, LIKE us, and join in the conversations… While you’re at it, Follow us on our dedicated Kick Cancer In The Can™ Twitter page and share your thoughts there as well! Let’s be the change we all want to see in the elimination of cancer once and for...

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Even Cancer Patients & Caregivers Need To Have Holiday Fun!

By on Jun 14, 2015 in 5-Minute Strategies, Blog, Education, Holiday Tips, Inspiration |

The Holidays Are Meant To Be Fun For Everyone! So How Do We Protect Our Health At The Same Time? REPLAY of the Complimentary Webinar Provided on Saturday Dec 8th How To Survive The Holidays Without Gaining a Pound! And Have Fun Too! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Holiday Season can be stressful enough without the added challenge of dealing with cancer – or caregiving for a loved one with cancer. Apart from the ongoing flurry of extra holiday activities, social and community events, family gatherings, and shopping and cooking specifically for the holidays, there is the added stress of the non-stop hustle and bustle of traffic, both within our homes and out there on the roads and in the stores. Whew! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For cancer patients, cancer survivors and caregivers, this season can certainly takes its toll on our already compromised immune systems if we’re not prepared. So although this webinar is entitled: How to Survive the Holidays Without Gaining a Pound! And Have Fun Too!”, the information provided is absolutely pertinent to anyone on a cancer journey, whether as a patient, a survivor, or a caregiver. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this content-rich – and fun – webinar you will get everything you need to: Avoid holiday weight gain so as not to destroy the results of all of this past year’s weight loss and/or maintenance efforts Prevent those darned colds and flu bugs from taking hold so that you can fully enjoy every moment of holiday fun Protect your immune system against the bombardment of stress so that you can kick that cancer in the can! Defeat the holiday blues, so that you can enjoy all of the festivities in a light-hearted and fun-filled way as well as be great company for your friends and family Ramp up your energy so you can get everything done that needs to get done, and you still have lots of energy leftover for fun Maintain more peace and calm in your life so that you feel rested, rejuvenated and full of energy everyday And have a ton of fun in the process because (apart from contemplation and sharing in community activities to make a difference) having fun is one of the most important aspects of the...

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Cancer Affects The Whole Person So Why Do We Just Cut, Burn & Poison The Tumor?

By on Jun 14, 2015 in 5-Minute Strategies, Blog, Education |

The Key Is To Understand That The Impact Of Cancer On The Patient Is Multifaceted We Have To Treat The Whole Person – Not One Aspect or Facet! ~~~~~~~~~~ The tragedy for most cancer patients, once diagnosed, is that they are not given the full scoop on what they are about to go though. They get the diagnosis, and then they are rushed into surgery, followed by soul-destroying treatments, without any significant counseling about what to potentially expect in all the other areas of their lives. ~~~~~~~~~~ I think this quote (to the right of the page) really expresses the overwhelming feelings that come up as the patient begins to deal with the day to day aspects of living with cancer while attempting to live a “normal” life. And it’s the same for all cancers – not just breast cancer! However, since breast cancer is so prevalent today, with so many women of all ages being negatively impacted at the soul level, this quote spoke to me today. It is the very reason that I work with my patients on all levels of their health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. ~~~~~~~~~~ So what I plan to do with this blog is to attempt to be much more regular with my posts – and provide quick and easy tips, ideas and startegies for each area of our lives. My patients and clients call me the Master of 5-Minute healthy strategies, so that’s where I’ll place most of my attention. I know that’s what I needed (quick and easy) when I was going through my own cancer journey so many years ago! ~~~~~~~~~~ However, if you have specific questions, make sure and post them below in the comments section – or drop on over to our Kick Cancer In The Can Facebook page, LIKE the page and join in the conversations. Why not start a conversation yourself? ~~~~~~~~~~ So my tip for today is about time out. Just taking 5 minutes away from whatever might be stressing you out, or raising some fear within you about something, will completely transform your perspective. Just stop everything and get off that wagon of daily life. Stand up, look out the window, breathe deeply...

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