For the Cancer Patient and Survivor, Who Wants to Survive…and Thrive, and for The Caregiver Who Wants to Stay Healthy While Caring for Their Loved One!


Are You Moving Away From Illness OR Towards Health!

By on Jun 14, 2015 in 5-Minute Strategies, Blog, Healing Tools |

What are You Expanding In Your Life? Illness? Or Health & Wellness?



Okay, so what’s in a question? A lot of power – that’s for sure! You have to ask the right questions to get the right answers for your healing journey. A simple question I asked myself everyday more than 23 years ago, and ask everyone of my patients and clients that I work with today is this: “Are you moving away from the illness or are you moving towards health?” There is a huge difference in our outcomes based on which of these we focus our attention on. Remember that what you focus on expands, so we have to ensure that our focus is on that which will provide the greatest and quickest healing.


Notice at the very start of the video that I was taking a deep breath and really breathing in the beauty that was surrounding me. That is one of the most grounding practices I know of. And you can start right now to implement it into your own life. So, just remember to close your eyes, and breathe deeply as you watch this short video. And feel yourself becoming re-balanced, re-centered and more empowered…(PS: One day I’ll learn where to focus my eyes while the videotaping is being done! LOL)


Need help and guidance on your path to full and complete recovery from cancer? Or prevention of it in the first place if you’re the Craegiver! Then hop on over to Kick Cancer In The Can™ – and pick up your free Kick Cancer In The Can™ Starter Toolkit right now! And you’ll also get the gift of my weekly “Instant Energy” ezine of quick and easy, healthy 5-minute tips, strategies, recipes, etc.


And finally please help us spread the word about the Kick Cancer In The Can™ mission to erradicate cancer once and for all. And definitely to stop it in its tracks amongst our children! A degenerative illness such as cancer shortening the lives of our youth is NOT ACCEPTABLE! if you agree please go to our facebook page and LIKE the page and leave your comments about this subject. And please share, share, share!!!


Remember to leave your comments, ideas, thoughts, and recommended resources below in the comments section.